Saturday 18 November 2017

Grinding advance

"How long till we Drop Insov!" Platov demanded.

"6 minutes Lord Marshall!" Insov hastily replied.

"Have the men double check the straps on the harnesses, I don't want a repeat of last time!" Platov stood on the gantry of the loading bay watching his men load vehicles and other equipment onto the carriers that would take them to a outpost of the Canis Aureus. The chaos forces here were battling the Tau Sept forces, Platov saw this as a potential to force the Aureous forces to fight on two front.

Platov boarded the carrier with his men and dropped into the void and into the atmosphere the carriers screamed into the atmosphere and headed for the outpost that the Aureus forces held, meanwhile two separte carriers headed to a staging area to get a foot hold in the region.

The carrier had dropped Platov's men at the outpost, Platov was surprised it was very lightly defended and the was taken with ease, but a few hours past Heretical Astartes were spotted coming into view shots began sprayingthe outpost and Platov's vostroyans returning fire on the Aureus forces.

The fighting was intense but brief as the Aureus forces drove the Vostroyans out with little effort, Platov called forward a second wave and crashed his forces back into the outpost fighting was intense casualties began to increase on both sides, as platov was commanding his men two hulking figures stormed towards him and his men the two Astartes cleaved the men infront of Platov. Platov sounded the whistle and ordered a advance onto the Astartes "Fix bayonets! Over the top!" Platov was first out of the line charging into one of the Astartes and clashing with him Platov was badly wounded not before platov used all his might to bury his powerfist in the mans chest as he fell to the floor the second figure slashed Platov down, completely cleaving his right leg from his body the forces of the 6th routed back to the staging area with Their Lord Marshall carried on a stretcher the camp was silent the men waiting to see what would become of Their Lord marshall, wondering if Platov would survive the injuries he has sustained.

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